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实践远比书本丰富。美国汽车大王亨利·福特曾说:“任何人只要做一点有用的事,总会有一点报酬,这种报酬就是经验,这是世界上最有价值的东西。”这种被称为“最有价值”的经验,能否帮助我们从事发明创造呢?事实表明,只要你拥有经验并善于“品味”,是不愁没有独具匠心的设想的.不信?那就先从“魔塞”的发明来品味吧。一小男孩每天向热水瓶里灌开水时,妈妈都告诉他一个生活小经验:不要将瓶里的开水灌得过满,最好是让水面距瓶口木塞底有段距离,这样开水保温的时间要长一些。这样做有没有道理呢?妈妈告诉他,空气的传热散热能力比软木塞要差,在瓶口处留一段气穴自然会延长热水瓶的保温时间.品味一下这种生活小经验,你能悟出什么发明创意呢?聪明的小男孩 Practice is much more than books. Henry Ford, the American car king, once said: “Anyone who does something useful and always has a little reward, the reward is experience, is the most valuable thing in the world.” This is called “the most Value ”experience, can help us engaged in inventions? Facts show that as long as you have experience and good“ taste ”, it is no wonder that there is no original idea .Do not believe? Then first“ magic plug ”to taste the invention It A little boy every day to the thermos when the water, the mother told him a little experience of life: Do not overfill the bottle of boiling water, it is best to make the surface of the water from the bottle stopper at a distance, so warm water Time is longer. Does this make sense? Mom told him that the heat transfer capacity of the air is worse than the cork, leaving a cavitation in the bottle mouth will naturally prolong the holding time of the thermos flask.Try this little experience of life, you can enlighten What is the invention of creativity? Smart little boy
文章介绍了诚信在市场经济中的地位、作用;分析了我国市场经济发展过程中诚信缺失的原因及危害;针对当前诚信严重缺失的现象,提出了建设诚信、文明社会的途径和措施。 This
宋健是我国当代杰出的科学家,曾任国务委员,国家科委主任,现任全国政协副主席,中国工程院院长。本刊主编最近对他进行了专访。 Song Jian is an outstanding contemporary s
As China completes its WTO commitments , new regulations should help banks expand their services The Standard Chart er ed Bank, whi c h has 20 outlets in 14 Chi
SHA Guohe, a physical chemist. After his graduation from the Department of Petroleum Refining of the Beijing Institute for Petroleum Technology in 1956, Sha ha