2016年3月9日,赫尔辛堡R??幼儿园项目获得2016年瑞典木建筑奖。该奖项是瑞典最富盛名的建筑大奖之一,获奖作品必须是瑞典木建筑的优秀代表,反映时代特征且能改善人们生活品质。颁奖典礼上获奖者领取了金马奖杯和十万瑞典克朗奖金。SWEDISH EOOD瑞典木业协会为“瑞典森林工业联合会”的一个部门,由瑞典锯木行业支持。瑞典木业协会传播瑞典木材、木家具和木建筑的知识和设计理念,促进可持续木材在瑞典和其他国家的高效使用。
March 9, 2016, Helsingborg R kindergarten project won the 2016 Swedish Wood Architecture Award. The award is one of Sweden’s most prestigious architectural awards, and the winning entries must be excellent representatives of the Swedish wood architecture, reflecting the characteristics of the times and improving the quality of life for people. The winners received the Golden Horse trophy and the SEK 100,000 prize money. SWEDISH EOOD The Swedish Wood Industry Association is a division of the “Swedish Forest Industry Federation” supported by the Swedish sawmilling industry. The Swedish Timber Association disseminates the knowledge and design philosophy of Swedish timber, wooden furniture and timber construction to promote the efficient use of sustainable timber in Sweden and in other countries.