西奥多·冯·卡门(Theodore Von Kátrmán)从20年代后期至1942年领导了在加州理工大学古根汉姆航空实验室(GALCIT)。在为期不长的年代里,GALCIT获得了做为研究中心和训练基地的国际声誉,特别是在流体力学方面。它吸引了世界上许多最优秀的流体力学家来到
Theodore Von Kátrmán led the Guggenheim Aviation Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology (GALCIT) from the late 1920s until 1942. GALCIT gained an international reputation as a research center and training base for a short period of time, especially in the area of fluid mechanics. It has attracted many of the world’s finest hydrodynamists