在知识经济时代,高科技迅猛发展,先进设备乃至智能机器人大摇大摆地登上经济生活的“大雅之堂”,逐渐支撑起新经济的大厦。在这种背景下,勤劳的双手还能发挥生产力吗? 最近,我到一个木器厂调研。这里生产优质楠木骨灰盒,普通的千把元一只,而经工匠们精雕细刻,附上龙、凤、虎等图案竟身价倍增,一只卖1万多元,真可谓手到“钱”来! 一台大彩电才几千元,而一只艺术瓷珍品竟卖2万多元。从
In the era of knowledge economy, the rapid development of high technology, advanced equipment and even intelligent robots boarded the economic life of the “elegant”, and gradually support the new economy building. In this context, hard-working hands can also play a productivity? Recently, I went to a wooden factory research. Here the production of high-quality Phoebe urn, the common one thousand dollars, and the craftsmen who carved, attached to the dragon, phoenix, tiger and other patterns actually worth doubled, one sold more than 10,000 yuan, can be described as hand to “ Money ”to come! A large color TV only a few thousand dollars, and an art porcelain treasures actually sold more than 20,000 yuan. From