目的通过对60例维持性血液透析患者心血管并发症的观察,探讨更好的预防和处理透析期间出现的各种心血管事件,避免不良后果的发生。方法我们观察2009-06-2010-12期间进行血液透析的60例慢性肾功能衰竭患者3 030例次血液透析过程中发生的心血管并发症。结果 3 030例次血透发生高血压123例次,低血压86例次,心律失常17例次,左心衰10例次,心绞痛8例次。结论透析中高血压发生率较高,依次为低血压、心律失常、心力衰竭、心绞痛。
Objective To observe the cardiovascular complications in 60 patients with maintenance hemodialysis to explore better prevention and treatment of various cardiovascular events during dialysis and to avoid the occurrence of adverse consequences. Methods We observed cardiovascular complications in 3030 hemodialysis patients from 60 patients with chronic renal failure who underwent hemodialysis during 2009-06-2010-12. Results A total of 3 030 hemodialysis patients had 123 cases of hypertension, 86 cases of hypotension, 17 cases of arrhythmia, 10 cases of left heart failure and 8 cases of angina pectoris. Conclusion High incidence of hypertension in dialysis, followed by hypotension, arrhythmia, heart failure, angina pectoris.