作为一个离退休人员,怎样做好“老有所为”这篇文章,使自己的晚年象一首古诗说的那样“夕阳无限好”呢?被人们敬称为“湘乡三老”的龙继绪、成诗泉和舒松华的做法,可以给人一点启迪。 龙老:旧业重操乐未央 凡是见过龙继绪的人,都说他不象个86岁的老人,头脑反应那样敏捷,那样健谈,但他的的确确是个86岁高龄的老人。他现在是湖南省湘乡市离退休协会办的益群诊所一位受到群众欢迎的中医医生。当笔者采访他的时候,他毫不保留地说出自己的保养良方:“老年人要保养好,首先要会乐。别看我一不会打牌二不会下棋,但我却会乐。我的乐就是给病人治病”。龙老正要往下说,这时走
As a retired person, how to do the “old age” article, so that his later years as an ancient poem that “sunset is good,” what? People are honored as “Xiangxiang three old” dragon Introduction, into poetry and Shu Songhua practice, you can give a little enlightenment. Long old: the old industry re-Fun Weiyang Anyone who has seen Long Ji-Xu, said he was not like an 86-year-old man, the reaction of the mind so agile, talkative, but he is indeed a 86-year-old man. He is now a well-respected Chinese medicine practitioner in Yitian Clinic run by the Retirement Association of Xiangxiang City in Hunan Province. When I interviewed him, he spoke without reservation of his prescription: "Older people want to maintain well, you must first have fun. Do not look at whether I will not play cards and will not play chess, but I will enjoy My music is to treat patients. Dragon is about to say down, then go