目的探讨不同剂量的纳洛酮治疗慢性呼吸衰竭患者的疗效。方法慢性呼吸衰竭患者在常规治疗的基础上随机分为3组,4mg组:纳洛酮4mg加入生理盐水40m l微泵注入(4m l/h);2mg组:纳洛酮2mg加入生理盐水40m l微泵注入(4m l/h);对照组:给予尼可刹米3支和洛贝林3支静脉滴注。3组的疗程均为5d。观察治疗前后患者临床症状改善和血气分析变化情况以评定疗效。结果4mg组及2mg组在临床症状改善、纠正缺氧和二氧化碳潴留方面明显优于对照组:4mg组在治疗第3天改善缺氧和二氧化碳潴留方面优于2mg组,但到治疗第5天两组比较差异无统计学意义。结论较大剂量纳洛酮(4mg)在治疗Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭的早期要优于小剂量的纳洛酮(2mg),但在治疗后期无明显差异。
Objective To investigate the efficacy of different doses of naloxone in patients with chronic respiratory failure. Methods Patients with chronic respiratory failure were randomly divided into 4 groups according to the routine treatment: 4mg naloxone (4ml / h) was injected into the vein by 40ml micro-pump of normal saline; 2mg group: 2mg naloxone was added to 40ml normal saline l micro-pump infusion (4m l / h); control group: given Nicorandil 3 and Lobelin 3 intravenous drip. 3 groups of treatment are 5d. Observed before and after treatment in patients with clinical symptoms and blood gas analysis changes to assess the efficacy. Results 4mg group and 2mg group were significantly better than the control group in improving clinical symptoms and correcting hypoxia and carbon dioxide retention. The 4mg group was better than the 2mg group in improving oxygen deficiency and carbon dioxide retention on the third day of treatment, There was no significant difference between the two groups Conclusion The larger dose of naloxone (4mg) is superior to the low dose of naloxone (2mg) in the early stage of treatment of type Ⅱ respiratory failure, but no significant difference in the late treatment.