Previous reports of pyrimidine metabolic abnormalities were mostly whey aciduria, uridine pyrimidine and 5’-nucleotidase deficiency. It has been reported in recent years that the dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DHPDH) defect in the first phase of the pyrimidine decomposition pathway has been re-proved. Symptoms of epilepsy, loneliness and mental retardation, sometimes accompanied by hair, joint abnormalities, physical retardation, but the lack of specific symptoms. Some accompanied by perceptual disorders. No combined blood, serum, immune abnormalities report, biochemical examination found only one case of serum uric acid rise. With the exception of neonatal cases onset is slow, and some cases after 4 years of absence seizures. In addition to an exception in the neonatal period, the prognosis is good. Mostly married relatives, all cases of urinary dihydropyrimidine, thymine excretion increased. The same 2 enzymes shown on the graph are negative for dihydropyrimidine and thymine