A Comparative Analysis of Chinese-Nigerian Economic Reforms and Development Experiences

来源 :China & World Economy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fdgongyongming
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China has witnessed consistent economic growth and development in the past two decadesand half in spite of the significant downturn recorded in the global economic performanceduring part of the period of this dramatic achievement. Principally, the Chinese economicdevelopment is the direct outcome of the economic restructuring embarked in 1978. Ofinterest is the fact that while the one time economically fragile communist nation has madesuch a tremendous progress within a period of less than three decades, most of the developingcountries in the Sub-Saharan Africa, particularly Nigeria, the sub regional power thatengaged in similar economic reforms in 1986 has performed grossly below expectation inspite of its economic potentials. Why this sharp variation in the outcomes of the reforms inthe two nations, what’s the missing link in the Nigerian economic reforms? This paperbasically provides the response to these fundamental questions in its comparative analysisof the two distant economies and draws significant lessons for the less successful SSAeconomies undergoing economic reforms. China has witnessed consistent economic growth and development in the past two decades and half in spite of the significant downturn recorded in the global economic performance of the part of the period of this deiadoment. Principally, the Chinese economic development is the direct outcome of the economic restructuring embarked in 1978. Ofinterest is the fact that while the one time economically fragile communist nation has madesuch a tremendous progress within a period of less than three decades, most of the developing countries in the Sub-Saharan Africa, particularly Nigeria, the subregational power thatengaged in similar economic reforms in 1986 grossly below desirable expect inspite of its economic potentials. This paperbasically provides the response to these fundamental questions in its comparative analysisof the two distant economie s and draws significant lessons for the less successful SS Economies undergoing economic reforms.
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平淡是透明的茧  在曾经跑操的小路上,回忆引着我一路前行。  一切只如初见:草丛里不知名的虫儿还在乱撞,道旁的樱花还散发着丝丝缕缕的香甜,食堂里的饭菜香还是飘遍了校园。 幸好,我还来得及与旧日的时光撞个满怀。 可时光终究走远了,今日的我无法留住昨日的美好。  无论多么留恋,我都没再去学校的任何地方,而是径直走出校门,就像与一个明明相识却假装陌生的人擦肩而过。  没有了初遇的青涩,也没有了相离的刻骨
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目的研究小春花(阴地蕨Botrychium ternatum的全草)醋酸乙酯部位的化学成分。方法利用反相硅胶柱色谱法、Sephadex LH-20凝胶柱色谱法等方法分离纯化,通过理化性质和波谱数据