编辑同志: 去年我在村里的河滩荒地上种了一些高粱,使我有所收获。今年我又在河滩上多开了一些荒地,种了些玉米和红小豆,由于我们这里风调雨顺,看样子又将会有好收成,可是,村里要把我开垦的荒地收回去。请问:村干部这
Editor’s Comrade: Last year I planted some sorghum on the floodplain in the village and made me harvest. This year I again opened more wasteland on the floodplain and planted some corn and red beans. As we had good weather there seems to be a good harvest, but the reclaimed wasteland should be reclaimed by the village. Excuse me: village cadres