Objective: To analyze the genomic DNA (nDNA) polymorphism of Leishmania isolates in hills and plains of China. Methods: Genomic DNA was digested with restriction endonuclease, Southern blot and chromosomal localization. Probe using digoxin labeling. Results: Leishmaniadonovani, L.d. Jiangsu strain and L strain were displayed using the gp63 probe. d. JeddahnDNA similar chromosomes between the hybridization, L. d. Sichuan strain and L. Similar chromosomal hybridization bands were found between infantumnDNA; beta-tubulin probes were used to show L. d. Jiangsu strain and L. d. There are two similar hybridized bands between JeddahnDNA. d. Sichuan dog strains and L. d. Gansu canine nDNA between the three similar chromosomes, and L. d. There are two similar chromosome hybridization bands between Wenchuan human strains nDNA. Conclusion: It is suggested that Jiangsu strain and L. in plague-affected area. d. There is homology between Jeddah and L. in the affected area. d. Sichuan strains and L. There is homology between infantum, L. d. Sichuan dog strains and L. d. Gansu dog strains exist between homology, and L. d. There is both homology and difference between the Wenchuan strains, and there is a heterogeneity between the epidemic strains in the hills and the plague-endemic regions