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公文结构安排要反映客观事物的内部联系,这是制作公文的重要原则。客观事物的内部联系至少包括纵向和横向两个方面。一篇公文中,基本观点和从属观点之间的联系、从属观点和材料之间的联系属于纵向联系;从属观点之间的联系、材料与材料之间的联系属于横向联系。比如写作下面的公文: 公文材料:某县今秋多雨;县长办公会议的决定及具体要求。根据这个材料拟写一则指示性通知,人们往往分以下几点来写: The structure of official documents should reflect the internal relations of objective things. This is an important principle in making official documents. The internal relations of objective things include at least vertical and horizontal aspects. In an official document, the connection between the basic point of view and the subordinate point of view, the subordinate point of view, and the material connection are vertical; the connection between subordinate perspectives and the connection between material and material are horizontal. For example, writing the following documents: Document material: a rainy autumn this county; county office decisions and the specific requirements. According to this material to write an indicative notice, people often points to write the following points:
【摘 要】多媒体在现代音乐课堂教学中发挥着重要作用,笔者从扩展音乐课堂教学容量,激发学生兴趣,提高课堂效率,培养学生能力方面阐述了多媒体在音乐教学中的优势,对未来多媒体在音乐课堂教学中的发展有着重大的意义。  【关键词】音乐教学 辅助 多媒体优势  随着教育改革的不断深入,多媒体已被广泛应用于音乐课堂。《义务教育音乐课程标准》在“实施建议”中明确指出:“以信息技术为代表的现代教育技术极大地扩展了音