采用野外调查和室内分析的方法,研究了杭州市郊水稻田土壤酸碱度现状。结果表明:杭州市郊水稻田土壤p H在4.40~8.70之间,平均为6.81,属1级水平(6.5~7.5);与二次普查p H平均值(6.39)相比,2012年杭州市郊水稻田土壤p H上升了0.44,不同地貌类型区域水稻田土壤p H存在明显差异,各地貌类型水稻田土壤p H平均值由高到低分别为:滨海平原>河谷平原>水网平原>低山丘陵;仅36.61%的杭州市郊水稻田适宜水稻生长,59.92%的偏碱土壤宜采取使用盐碱土壤改良剂、完善水利设施进行暗管排盐、增施有机肥料等措施进行改良;3.47%的偏酸土壤宜采取合理施用石灰石粉、增施有机肥、推广测土配方施肥等措施进行改良。
Field investigation and indoor analysis were used to study the status of soil pH in paddy fields in the suburbs of Hangzhou. The results showed that in the paddy field of Hangzhou suburbs, the soil p H ranged from 4.40 to 8.70, with an average of 6.81, which belonged to the first grade (6.5-7.5). Compared with the average value of p H in the second census (6.39), the paddy rice Soil p H increased by 0.44. Soil p H in paddy soils varied significantly from top to bottom in different types of landscapes. The average values of soil p H in paddy soils from top to bottom varied from high to low, respectively: coastal plain> river plain> water network plain> low mountain Hilly area. Only 36.61% paddy fields in Hangzhou suburbs are suitable for rice growth. 59.92% of the over-alkaline soils should be improved by saline-alkali soil improvers, perfecting water conservancy facilities and releasing organic fertilizer. Partial acid soil should take reasonable use of limestone powder, organic fertilizer application, promotion of soil testing and fertilizer and other measures to be improved.