吉瓦纵横——第三讲 辨伪

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瓦当由于深埋地下千百载,年代久远,本身具有一定的历史价值。又因为它有精美的图案、文字装饰,能使人从中品味古代艺术的神韵,并作为探寻古迹、补史证史的活的证据,因此具有很高的学术研究和艺术欣赏价值。加之宋元以来金石学者、古董商人的推波助澜,民间收藏、买卖、拓印刊布成为时尚,历来备受文人雅士、文物爱好者的青睐,尤其是一些流传极少的品类,一向被视为珍美的文化遗物。所以,如同青铜器、瓷器、玉器一样,瓦当便也就有了复、仿制品和伪作品。 Vatang due to deep buried thousands of years, age, itself has a certain historical value. Because of its exquisite designs and text decoration, people can taste the charm of ancient art and serve as living evidence to explore the history of monuments and make up history. Therefore, it has high academic research and art appreciation value. In addition, since the Song and Yuan dynasties, scholars and antiques merchants have promoted the sale of folk collections, trading and printing. They have always been favored by the literati and cultural relics lovers. In particular, they have always been regarded as precious Cultural relics. So, like bronze, porcelain, jade, Wadang will also complex, imitation and pseudo-works.
姓名:罗 澜  生日:1999-06-25(总是遇上期末大考……)  星座:巨蟹座  爱好:写作,舞蹈,唱歌,古筝,摄影,书法……  From:湖州四中(白鱼潭校区)  成长宣言:小时候,快乐很简单;长大后,简单就快乐。  联系我:1941705285@qq.com    Q1:你觉得自己跟哪部小说里的哪个人物比较像?  A:《夏至未至》,立夏。虽然这本书有个悲伤的结局,但我觉得,立夏就像是这忧伤