已是暮云合壁 ,落日融金的时刻。大家都等得有点焦急。“说定了 ,准时来吗 ?”带队的老牟问文联的小徐 ,他点点头 ,眼睛却专注看着前方。突然从九曲桥边飞出来一位姑娘 ,穿一身牛仔服 ,脑后扎个鸡尾巴 ,红嫩嫩的脸蛋 ,黑浸浸的眼睛 ,靓丽结实中显出潇洒干练。大家一看不正是“
It is Muyun, the sunset golden moment. Everyone waited a little anxious. “Say it, come on time?” Lao Mou led the couplet small Xu, he nodded, eyes are focused on watching the front. Suddenly flew from the nine bridge side of a girl, wearing a jeans, behind a tie a chicken tail, red and tender face, black dipping eyes, beautiful and strong in the smart and capable. Everyone looks wrong is "