
来源 :中国骨与关节杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:justoka
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目的了解骨科患者对术后康复知识的知晓度和对康复方面的需求,为制定高效的健康宣教措施提供数据支持。方法采用多中心登记注册研究——现况研究设计,抽取北京地区9家三甲医院骨科手术患者817例,采用自行设计的问卷进行康复知识知晓度和康复需求方面的调查。结果817例研究对象中,男405例(49.6%),女412例(50.4%);研究对象对康复知识的知晓度为52.26%。不同教育水平患者的知晓度的差异有统计学意义(χ2=9.968,P=0.041),研究生及以上患者组的知晓度(80.00%)高于专科(52.52%)、高中(52.74%)与初中及以下组(47.04%)(χ2=4.135、4.089、6.199,P=0.042、0.043、0.013)。不同手术部位患者对康复知识的知晓度差异有统计学意义(χ2=10.612,P=0.014),腰椎退变患者对康复知识的知晓度(55.61%)高于其它部位骨折患者组(42.86%)(χ2=9.280,P=0.002)。817例研究对象中,需要专业康复人员进行功能训练指导的占72.09%;对心理指导的需求度为12.48%。结论本研究为北京地区骨科康复现状提供了基线数据。骨科手术患者对术后康复知识的知晓度较低,对康复专业人员的指导需求度较高,特别是对心理指导的需求。有必要加强对骨科手术患者的健康宣教。“,”Objective To explore the awareness of the knowledge on the rehabilitation after the operation and the demand of rehabilitation of patients with orthopedic surgery, providing data support for efifcient health education design. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted in 9 tertiary hospitals in Beijing area, and 850 patients were selected.Results In all 817 research cases, 405 ( 49.6% ) were male and 412 ( 50.4% ) were female. The awareness rate of rehabilitation knowledge was 52.26%, while it was statistical signiifcant in populations with different education levels ( χ2= 9.968,P= 0.041 ). The awareness rate of the graduate and the group above ( 80.00% ) was higher than those from college ( 52.52% ), high school ( 52.74% ), junior high school and the group below ( 47.04% ) ( χ2 = 4.135, 4.089, 6.199;P = 0.042, 0.043, 0.013 ). The differences of the awareness rate among different surgical parts were statistically signiifcant ( χ2 = 10.612,P = 0.014 ). The rate in patients with lumbar degeneration ( 55.61% ) was higher than the fracture group in other parts ( 42.86% ) ( χ2 = 9.280,P = 0.002 ). In the 817 cases, 72.09% need professional rehabilitation and functional training and 12.48% need psychological support.Conclusions This study provides baseline data for the orthopedic rehabilitation. The awareness rate is low while the demand rate is high, particularly for the psychological support. It is necessary to strengthen the health education of orthopedic patients.
Based on that rehabilitation was decoupled from clinical surgery in China, Beijing Municipal Commission of Science and Technology set up the project of Departme
临床上常把克罗恩病(Crohns disease,CD)与溃疡性结肠炎、阑尾炎等进行鉴别,而直肠癌常与结肠癌等进行鉴别,但累及直肠的CD与直肠癌有时也极难区分,需仔细鉴别.最近我科临床
<正>研究表明,成年人中腰椎滑脱症(lumbar spondylolisthesis)的发病率约为6%[1],主要以峡部裂性和退变性两种类型最为常见[2]。近年来,许多研究结果显示脊柱-骨盆的矢状面形态