At the end of 1992, various Japanese newspapers reported on eye-catching titles that the general secretary of the Japanese Communist Party Nogano Sanzo informed the Stalin during his work in the Communist International that he was mortally killed by colleagues. The Central Committee of the Japanese Communist Party unanimously decided to expel him from the party. Those familiar with the history of the Chinese Communist Party know that Osamu Osamu is one of the three who has had a close connection with the Chinese revolution. Within the CCP, Yeosu is also the only foreign party leader who has a deep personal exchange with Mao Zedong. From 1950 to 1955, Yeosan had been secretly in exile in China for the purpose of escaping the country’s political persecution and had lived in the first guest house of the Central United Department of Beijing for five years. In 1962, 70 years of wild Osaka, “People’s Daily” had an editorial birthday, we can see its special status in China. Recently, the Tokyo Metropolitan News Agency published a biographical essay describing the unannounced experience of the former general secretary of the Communist Party of Japan, Yoshihiro Sanosaka, in Yenan. The author’s father was Yan’an’s old revolution, who had been with the wild Sakamoto three, the article is based on the elderly