VSMPO-AVISMA公司与波音公司的合资公司乌拉尔波音制造公司于2013年新增了4台HMS 1600型设备,总价值达1 200万美元。其中两台是由波音公司出资购买的,两台是由VSMPO-AVISMA公司出资购买的。这4台新设备将主要用于为波音737加工起落架。新设备的投入使用为乌拉尔波音制造
Ural Boeing Manufacturing, a joint venture between VSMPO-AVISMA and Boeing, added 4 HMS 1600 units in 2013 for a total value of $ 12 million. Two of these were purchased by Boeing, two funded by VSMPO-AVISMA. The four new units will be used mainly to process the landing gear for the Boeing 737. New equipment put into use for the Ural Boeing manufacturing