孕妇 2 7岁 ,住院号 2 395 87,因妊娠足月入院。 16孕周自觉胎动 ,2 2孕周行B超检查提示 :胎儿腹腔内探及15 5cm× 12 0cm囊性无回声反射 ,壁光滑完整 ,内见较厚的分隔占据整个腹腔 ,考虑消化道畸形 ,家属拒绝引产。查体 :LOA ,胎心率 140 /min ,骨盆外测量正常。
Pregnant women 27 years old, hospital number 2 395 87, due to pregnancy admission. 16 gestational week conscious fetal movement, 2 2 gestational weeks B-ultrasound examination: fetal exploration of the abdomen and 15 5cm × 120cm cystic anechoic reflex, the wall is smooth and complete, see the thick separation occupy the entire abdominal cavity, consider the digestive tract deformity Family members refused to induce labor. Physical examination: LOA, fetal heart rate 140 / min, normal pelvic measurement.