Since chemical fertilizers are commodity fertilizers, increasing the effective utilization of chemical fertilizers is directly related to output, production costs and economic income of members. According to statistics, a total of 300,000 tons (equivalent to 600 million kg) of chemical fertilizers were applied to the region this year, of which 120,000 tons are in the BAM region. However, due to improper application methods, the effective utilization of chemical fertilizers is generally low. According to the survey, the average yield of grain per kilogram of chemical fertilizer can only increase by one pound. As a result, it will inevitably greatly increase the agricultural production cost and increase the output without increasing income. For example, in 1976, Bamei applied 70,000 tons of chemical fertilizers and its total grain output was 970 million kg. The total amount of chemical fertilizers to be used this year is close to 120,000 tons. It is estimated that the total output of grain will still be equivalent to the level in 1976, Fertilizer yield effect. Hangjin Houqi this year is an increase