地震灾害预防 地震预报是减轻灾害的重要方面,但由于地震预报在科学技术上尚未完全过关。最大限度减轻地震灾害,不能单单依靠预报。而且,在人类没有充分的证据证明地震预报具有的精确性之前,任何国家政府不会在一个百万人口以上的城市进行紧急疏散和撤离,因为一旦出现误报、虚报和混乱造成的损失不会比一次中型灾害小。因此,利用地震科学的成果,做好灾害预防是十分重要的。
Earthquake Disaster Prevention Earthquake prediction is an important aspect of disaster mitigation, but due to the earthquake and earthquake prediction has not been fully passed in science and technology. To minimize the earthquake disaster, we can not rely on forecast alone. Moreover, until humans have sufficient evidence to prove the accuracy of earthquake prediction, no government in any country will evacuate and evacuate cities in cities of more than one million, because in the event of false positives, the damage caused by false reports and chaos will not Less than a medium-sized disaster. Therefore, it is very important to take good use of the achievements of earthquake science in disaster prevention.