广告,起着传播信息、指导消费的重要作用,实属当今时代所必需。但若广告质量低劣,不仅难实现厂家所意想的宣传效果,而且在很大程度上还会影响人们的心理健康。从劣质广告的“表现手法”来看,常见的有以下诸种: 一、“最”宇当头 象“质量最优”、“价格最低”、“最理想的佳品”、“最称心的服务”、“是你最明智的选择”等等,简直是“最”字成灾。初看时,
Advertising plays an important role in disseminating information and guiding consumption. It is really necessary in the modern era. However, if the advertisement quality is inferior, it will not only be difficult to realize the propaganda effect intended by the manufacturers, but will also affect people’s mental health to a large extent. Judging from the “performance techniques” of poor advertising, the following are common: First, “the most” like “best quality”, “the lowest price”, “the best quality”, “the most desirable service” “It is your wisest choice” and so on. It is simply the word “most”. At first glance,