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尿素为农业的主要化肥,工业上用于生产三聚氰胺、脲醛树脂、染料及医药产品水合肼、苯巴比妥、四环素等。目前国内年产量在1400万吨左右,以往每年尚有一定数量进口,近年来由于国内尿素产量上升,产品供过于求,国家除积极组织出口外,还采取限制进口的措施,故2001年进口量极少。1997年以来,国内尿素市场日走下坡,市场价格也步步下滑,由1997年初的2100元左右(吨价,下同)至2000年末下跌到1250元左右,去年1~10月尿素市场仍未走出低谷,虽处使用旺季略有抬头,但到年末仍徘徊在1300元左右。从今年1月份情况看, Urea is the main fertilizer for agriculture and is used industrially for the production of melamine, urea formaldehyde resin, dyes and pharmaceutical products hydrazine hydrate, phenobarbital, tetracycline and the like. At present, the annual output in China is about 14 million tons. In the past, there was still a certain amount of imports each year. In recent years, due to the increase of domestic urea production and oversupply of products, the state has taken measures to limit imports in addition to actively organizing exports. Therefore, the import volume in 2001 was extremely small . Since 1997, the domestic urea market has gone down day by day, the market price has also declined step by step, from about 2,100 yuan (ton price, the same below) in early 1997 to 1,250 yuan by the end of 2000, last year 1 to 10 months urea market is still Not out of the doldrums, although the use of peak season slightly up, but still hovering at the end of 1300 yuan. From the situation in January this year,
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全国主要城市部分农药价格行情 (七月中旬 ) (单位 :元 /公斤 )城市敌百虫90 %晶体敌敌畏80 %160 5乙基5 0 %160 5甲基5 0 %乐果40 %乳剂氧乐果40 %乳剂甲胺磷5 0 %乳剂来福
针对临氢脱烷基 Cr_2O_3/Al_2O_3催化剂活性温度高和抗积炭能力差的缺点,通过引入助剂 NiO、MgO 和 Ceo_2以及改变催化剂制备工艺的方法,在实验室筛选出催化性能优于 Cr_2O_3