栖霞区地处南京东北郊区,这里民风淳朴,也是一块经济开发的热土。地处郊区的百姓文化程度都不算高,法律知识也参差不齐,使得南京市栖霞区法院的信访接待工作成为说法指导、政策宣传、促进沟通、化解心结的前沿阵地。在这个十几平方米的接待室里,谱写着公正司法树形象的主旋律。 面对众多前来求助的乡亲们,信访工作人员深知,来到法院的人们总是遭遇了难题,他们笑脸相迎,满腔热情,舒缓他们的情绪,帮他们解决问题。
Qixia District is located in the northeastern suburb of Nanjing, where people live in simplicity, but also a land of economic development. People in the suburbs are not high degree of cultural level, legal knowledge is also uneven, making Nanjing Qixia District Court petition reception work as a guide to justice, policy advocacy, promote communication, resolve the frontier positions. In the dozen or so square reception rooms, the main theme of a just judicial tree image is written. In the face of many folks coming to help, petitioners know that people who come to court always encounter difficulties. They smile and greet each other, relieve their emotions and help them solve problems.