Finite element method was used to simulate the initiation and propagation of microcracks in lamellar particles. The simulation results show that the transverse cracks crack along the vertical direction (Y direction) along the interface between the lamellar particles and the matrix on the rough surface of the substrate, and the average length of the transverse cracks is lh = 0.37ds (ds is the lamellar particle diameter) While the longitudinal cracks present a higher horizontal (X-direction) stress due to the geometric abrupt change in the waist region of the lamellar particles, resulting in the majority of the cracks penetrating the lumbar region of the lamellar particles at a nearly vertical angle to the substrate, And generally takes precedence over transverse crack initiation. The average longitudinal crack length lv = 0.37 hs (hs is the lamellar particle thickness). The results show that the length of transverse crack increases with the increase of impact velocity, while the length of longitudinal crack decreases with the increase of impact velocity.