观唐 中式别墅 为世界而设计

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□□扑面涌向中国的全球化浪潮,决不是中国传统文化的又一次灭顶,反而是传统文化得到宏扬的一个契机。换句话说,没有一个人能够想象缺了中国的“全”球化是什么样子。现在来看观唐中式别墅之所以被市场热捧,不单是中式风格浪潮的兴起,也不仅仅是复古和怀旧心理的影响,它事实上是中国文化向世界开放的话语权的体现。 The wave of globalization that has blossomed into China is by no means another culminating of Chinese traditional culture. Instead, it is an opportunity for the traditional culture to flourish. In other words, no one can imagine what China’s “all-inclusive” globalization would be like. It is not only the rise of the tide of Chinese style but also the influence of retro and nostalgic psychology that it is actually the embodiment of the right of discourse that Chinese culture is open to the world.
本文采用任意拉格朗日-欧拉方法(Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian)结合分块耦合方法(Domain Decomposition Method),通过数值求解原始变量N-S方程、压力Poisson方程和柱体运动