这几年,流行乐坛很少听到像苏西·罗奇这样诚恳朴素的歌。在不景气的阴影下,音乐人只求明天能有口饭吃,短视近利的后果,是流行风潮瞬息万变,而歌坛却依旧欲振乏力。“辣妹”能独领风骚多久,大家心知肚明。如果作品只以节奏和旋律取胜,那么大限的日子也就为时不远了。现在还有多少人记得跳舞乐队“Modern Taling”?今天他们连入选“怀旧老歌”合辑的资格都没有。有时三五老友坐在一起听流行音乐,听来听去,还是觉得80年代的歌够味儿。这当中除了年龄在作怪外,那个时代歌坛潮流不像现在变幻不定,人们总还能记住一支乐队、一位歌手。说到苏西·罗奇,国内乐迷可能会有些陌生。她在美国以唱城市民谣著称,风格有些类似苏珊·薇格,但要比苏珊·薇格还要生活化。民谣的引人之处不在旋律,而是在于歌词中自然散发着的人性。简单的乐器配合朴素的
In recent years, pop music rarely heard such sincere and simple song like Susie Roach. In the shadow of the recession, musicians only want to have a mouthful of food to eat tomorrow, the consequences of short-sighted and short-term, is the ever-changing fashion trend, while the pop music still want to vibration weakness. “Spice” can dominate how long, we know well. If the work only to rhythm and melody to win, then the deadline will not be far off. How many people still remember dancing bands “Modern Taling”? Today they are not eligible to join the “Oldies” album. Sometimes 35 friends sit together to listen to pop music, listen to it, or think 80’s song enough taste. In addition to this age apart from the mischief, the trend of contemporary pop music unlike the current uncertainty, people can always remember a band, a singer. Speaking of Susie Roach, domestic fans may be a little strange. She is known for singing urban ballads in the United States, somewhat similar in style to Susan Vigne, but still living more than Susan Wegg. The introduction of folk is not the melody, but rather the natural human nature exuded in the lyrics. Simple instrument with simple