中共“一大”曾通过中国共产党的第一个纲领和第一个决议。遗憾的是,这两篇文献当时只有手抄穑,并没有正式发表过。何处寻找其下落了?1960年,美国哥伦比亚大学一位对中国共产党的历史颇有研究的中国史教授韦慕庭,处于极度兴奋和极度忙碌之中。霍华德·林顿先生告诉他的消息,使他的心情久久不能平静,哥伦比亚图书馆在整理资料时,从尘封已久的故纸堆里。发现一篇1924年1月该校的硕士论文。作者署名为“Chen Kung—Po”。而论文的题目令人注意——“The Communist Movement In China”(《共产主义运动在中国》)。韦慕庭读毕此文,认为倘若不掺杂着虚假的话,将是一重大发现,是极为难得的中国共产主义运动早期历史文献。在此文收入的6篇附录中,附录一中国共产党的第一个纲领(一九二一年)、
The “big one” of the Communist Party of China has adopted the first program and the first resolution of the Chinese Communist Party. Unfortunately, these two documents were hand-copied at the time and were not officially published. Where did you look for your whereabouts? In 1960, Weit Murin, a professor of Chinese history with a history of the Chinese Communist Party at Columbia University in the United States, was extremely excited and extremely busy. Mr. Howard Linton told him the news, so that his mood for a long time can not be calm, columbia library finishing information, from the dusty old paper pile. Found a 1924 January the school’s master’s thesis. The author’s signature is “Chen Kung-Po.” The title of the essay is noteworthy - “The Communist Movement In China” (“Communism Movement in China”). Weimin read this article, that if not mixed with false words, it will be a major discovery, is an extremely rare Chinese communist movement early historical documents. Of the six appendices included in this article, the first program of the Communist Party of China in Appendix I (1921)