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今天沙龙的主题是围绕新的《高新技术企业认定管理办法》,进行相关的政策沟通,以及我们企业在面临着“高企申报出现较大变化”的情况下,有哪些疑惑,该如何去应对。首先,感谢“地主”亚申科技对沙龙的大力支持,让我们大家能够有这样一个面对面的机会。其次,感谢我们的嘉宾、企业代表在百忙之中莅临沙龙。今天的主题嘉宾有负责“高企”政策执行方面的市科委高新区管理处张剑波副处长,也有负责各类创新政策服务方面的转化中心吴寿仁主任,还有技术领域的专家中国科学院硅酸盐所的温廷琏教授、知识产权领域的专家余明伟先生。先请张处长为我们解读一下今年关于“高新技术企业认定”的新政和过去有哪些区别?重点在什么地方? The theme of the salon today is to revolve around the new Administrative Measures for the Accreditation of High and New Technology Enterprises, to carry out the related policy communication and what are the doubts we should face when faced with the problem of “great changes in the reporting of high enterprises” response. First of all, I would like to thank “the landlords” for their strong support of Sharon so that we can have such a face-to-face opportunity. Secondly, thanks to our guests, business representatives come to the salon in their busy schedule. Today’s keynote speakers are Zhang Jianbo, deputy director of the High-tech Zone Management Office of the Municipal Science and Technology Commission for Science and Technology, and Wu Shuren, director of the conversion center for all kinds of innovation policy and services, as well as experts in the field of technology. Chinese Academy of Sciences Prof. Wen Tingtao of Silicate Institute and Mr. Yu Mingwei, an expert in the field of intellectual property. Please first director Zhang explained to us this year about the “high-tech enterprises that” the New Deal and the past, what are the differences? What is the focus?
1942年,在喜马拉雅山区的路普康湖(Roopkund Lake又称“人骨湖”)发现了200多具人骨。这一发现随即引发了一场大争论,这些人骨像谜一样困扰着众多的历史学家、科学家和考古学
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Bamboo-strip books gave people a chance to read and write, and in the process spread Chinese culture through centuries Bamboo-strip books gave people a chance