文献[1]进行了圆柱形曲板在侧压作用下的应力分析计算.我们相应地做了圆柱形曲板的内压实验.实验装置、试件和边界条件的实现整个实验装置见图1.以压缩空气通过试件下部的橡皮囊进行加载,气压由 U 型水银压力计读出.为了实现曲板四边拉住简支的边界条件,我们设计了一套专用的夹具.
Literature [1] carried out a cylindrical curved plate in the lateral pressure of the stress analysis and calculation.We made a cylindrical curved plate corresponding internal pressure experiment.Experimental device, specimen and the realization of the boundary conditions The experimental device shown in Figure 1 The compressed air was applied through the rubber bladder at the lower part of the specimen, and the pressure was read by the U-shaped mercury manometer. In order to draw the boundary conditions of simple support on the four sides of the curved plate, we designed a special fixture.