
来源 :湖北经济学院学报(人文社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yaozhongli00
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我国法律规定人民检察院应当在社会矫正的执法活动中行使监督职能,不过,由于法律规定的并不明确,所以实践过程中人们对于检察院的监督职责有一些模糊性的认识,这妨害了检察院监督职能的发挥。为了解决这一问题,应当从社会矫正的司法审判、刑罚执行、违法犯罪和矫正对象的伏法状况四个方面明确检察机关的监督职责。 Our country’s law stipulates that people’s procuratorates should exercise the supervisory function in the law enforcement activities of social rectification. However, due to the fact that the legal provisions are not clear, people have some vague awareness about the supervisory duties of the procuratorate in practice, which hinders the supervisory function of the procuratorate Play In order to solve this problem, the supervisory responsibilities of the procuratorial organs should be clarified from four aspects: judicial remedy of social corrections, execution of criminal penalties, illegal and criminal cases and the legal status of the target to be rectified.
通过Daubechies方法构造与信号leleccum匹配的尺度函数和相应的Db5小波函数。采用Db5和Cgau5小波将信号分解至第5层,得到了各层分解系数。结合椭圆滤波器对信号在1∶2 960段