More Benefits of Oral Administration of Arsenic-containing Qinghuang Powder Compared with Decitabine

来源 :世界中西医结合杂志(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nogoodvip
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OBJECTIVE: To evaluated the benefits of oral administration of arsenic-containing Qinghuang Powder (QHP) compared with decitabine for patients with high/very-high (H/VH) risk myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) according to the Revised International Prognostic Score System. METHODS: The OS (mOS) rate, annual OS rate and progression to acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in patients with H/VH MDS treated with QHP (QHP group, n = 27) and decitabine (decitabine group, n = 20) were retrospectively analyzed. The effects of prognostic factors of age, proportion of bone marrow blast, peripheral blood cell count, karyotype and Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) on OS were further analyzed. RESULTS: The mOS rate of QHP group (29 months) was significantly longer than that of the decitabine group (18 months) (P = 0.043). The OS rates of 1, 2, and 3 years were significantly higher in the QHP group (88.9%, 59.3%, 29.6%) than that in the decitabine group (70%, 25%, and 5%)(P = 0.01). There was no significant difference of 5-year OS rate between the 2 groups (P = 0.133). The effects of prognostic factors on mOS were further analyzed, and it was found that there was no significant difference of mOS rate between the QHP group (29 months) and the decitabine group (21 months) in the patients with age 65 years old (P = 0.673). The mOS rate was significantly longer in QHP group (28.5 months) than that in decitabine group (18 months) in the patients with age of < 65 years old (P = 0.04). The proportions of bone marrow blast cells with 10% or < 10% had no significant effects on the mOS rate of patients in the 2 groups (P = 0.429, P = 0.183). In patients with HGB 80 g/L, mOS rate was significantly longer in the QHP group (57 months) than that in the decitabine group (21 months) (P = 0.047), while in patients with HGB < 80 g/L, there was no significant difference of mOS rate between the 2 groups (P = 0.265). In the patients with PLT < 50×109 /L, the mOS rate was significantly longer in the QHP group (33 months) than that in the decitabine group (16 months) (P = 0.028). In the patients with PLT 50×109 /L, there was no significant difference of the mOS rate between the 2 groups (P = 0.338). In the patients with ANC < 0.8×109 /L, the mOS rate was significantly longer in the QHP group (20 months) than that in the decitabine group (7 months) (P = 0.014). In the patients with normal karyotype, the mOS was significantly longer in the QHP group (32 months) than that in the decitabine group (15 months) (P = 0.009). In the patients with abnormal karyotypes, there was no significant difference of the mOS rate between the 2 groups (P = 0.882). In the patients with good karyotypes, the mOS rate was significantly longer in the QHP group (37 months) than that in the decitabine group (20 months) (P = 0.019). In the patients with moderate/poor/very poor karyotype, there was no significant difference of the mOS rate between the 2 groups (P = 0.685). In the patients with CCI 3, the mOS rate was significantly longer in the QHP group (34 months) than that in the decitabine group (10.5 months) (P = 0.017). In patients with CCI < 3, there was no significant difference of the mOS rate between the 2 groups (P = 0.581). The proportion of progression to AML in the QHP group (18.8%) was significantly lower than that in the decitabine group (25%) (P = 0.03). CONCLUSION: Compared with decitabine, oral administration of arsenic-containing Qinghuang Powder could help patients to survive longer and decrease incidence of progression to acute myeloid leukemia in the treatment of patients with high/very high MDS.
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黑龙江省是全国国有经济比重较高、国有企业数量较多的省份之一。长期以来,由于国有企业效率和效益比较低,亏损面比较大,已经到了非改不可、不改不行的地步。近两年来,我们坚持国有企业改革方向,不断提高国资监管能力,积极推进国有企业深化改革和规范改制,工作取得了明显进展。    一、新一轮国企改革的五个结合和四重效益    我们突出抓了五个“结合”:  ——把各项改革结合起来,总体设计、配套推进。我们把招商
进入21世纪,随着城市社会经济的快速发展,城市交通需求增长迅猛,现有城市交通基础设施已不适应机动化增长需求,城市交通问题已经成为城市社会经济发展的重要制约因素。    一、当前我国城市交通面临的主要问题    (一)城市布局不合理,空间资源的低效配置,导致交通结构不合理  从近20年的发展历程来看,我国城市化水平不断提高,城市规模在不断扩展。由于缺乏与国土资源规划和城市总体规划相匹配的综合交通体系