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在古代议论文中,“论”、“说”都是文体的名称。“论”着重在阐发理论,重在逻辑说理。“说”着重在用动听的言词使人高兴接受意见,重在形象说理。二者在起源、文体特点和表达规范方面,都有较大的不同。把握这些不同,对我们阅读理解古代议论文,提高写作水平,是有一定帮助的。 In ancient papers, “theory ”, “say ” are the style name. “On ” focuses on elucidating the theory, focusing on logical reasoning. “Say ” focuses on the pleasant words make people happy to accept the views, focusing on image management. Both have great differences in origin, stylistic features and expression of norms. To grasp these differences will certainly help us to read and understand the ancient argumentative essay and improve our writing skills.
01  母亲坐在窗前,一动不动地沉默着,罗杰看到夕晒的陽光在她的头上移动,在鸢尾花和紫苏之间移动,终于移动到斜刺刺地照着他眼睛的地方。他却不动,任由阳光将最后的能量不由分说地全部给他,不知这是一种爱还是伤害。  母亲叹口气,站起身拉下百叶窗。他额头上的阳光不见了,鸢尾花和紫苏也不见了,房间里黯淡下来。空气的流动也慢下来,温柔了很多。  罗杰坐在母亲对面的椅子上,两条腿轻轻摇晃着。他的眼睛紧盯着魔术