穿过茂密的翠竹林,我听见喜鹊的歌唱;我听见画眉的歌唱;我听见斑鸠的歌唱:我听见布谷的歌唱。那婉转而欢快的歌音,是从黄桷树和核桃树上滴下来的么?是从蚕豆花和油菜花上滴下来的么?是从扁担和锄头上滴下来的么? 这歌声,是袅袅的炊烟引来的么?是暖暖的阳光引来的么?是亮亮的水渠引来的么?
I heard the singing of the magpie through the dense bamboo grove; I heard the song of the thrush; I heard the singing of the dove: I heard the singing of the cuckoo. That gentle and cheerful song, dripping from the trees and the walnut tree? Is it dripping from the broad bean and rape flowers? Is it dripping from the pole and the hoe? The song is curl What caused by the smoke? Is the warm sunshine caused by it?