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随着党的工作重点的转移,四个现代化建设蓬勃发展,我们高等院校的教师承担着为四化建设培养优秀人材的光荣而艰巨的任务。也就是要做到保质保量的培养青年一代和在科研工作中做出成绩来。完成这项任务要做的工作当然很多,下面仅就易被忽视,而事实上已被忽视的两个问题发表一点个人意见,就教于广大教育工作者。一、高等院校需不需要重视教学法,钻研教学法算不算科研工作?有人问过我这个问题。我说要重视钻研教学法,当然可以算为科研工作。因为教学法是使学生容易掌握知识、技能并发展他们的智力和才能的学问。但社会上有的人不一 With the transfer of the party’s work priorities, the four modernizations have flourished, and the teachers in higher education institutions have shouldered the glorious and arduous task of training excellent personnel for the four modernizations. That is to achieve the quality and quantity of young people in the scientific research and work to make achievements. There are, of course, a great deal of work to be done in this task. Here are just a few personal opinions on the two issues that are easily overlooked and which have in fact been neglected, so as to teach them to the vast numbers of educators. First, institutions of higher learning need not to pay attention to teaching methods, research teaching method is not scientific research? Someone asked me this question. I said that we should pay attention to study teaching methods, of course, can be regarded as scientific research. Because pedagogy is a science that makes it easy for students to acquire knowledge and skills and develop their intelligence and aptitude. But there are some people in society
珠海云山景象新 清风浩气接芳辰 千红万紫安排遍 盼得春来雨露匀 歌宛转 舞殷勤 龙狮竞逐鼓声频 神仙义侠高车过 喜庆今天幸福人鹧鸪天@方遐君 Zhuhai Yunshan view of the
不见阳光的果实熟不透。 良好的记忆也可能产生错误的判断。 不尊重别人的人也不会得到别人的尊重。 无知是无耻之母。 Not see the sunshine fruit ripe. Good memory can
榕树葵株夹绿杨, 旗亭阁绮间疏篁。 湖涵碧水游鱼乐, 花傍琼楼绽蕾香。 舢板荡挠闻歌曲, 石矶血一钓助羹汤。 风光饱览何曾醉, 日暖东山几徜徉。 Ficus tree Kwang folder
没有蜜蜂般纤丽的翅羽,却永远在资料之间巡回;没有庞大的胃囊,却把无数的字句反刍。你酿造出来的精神营养品,蜂蜜般可口,冰糖般香甜。 没有说客般的滑舌,没有媒婆般的巧唇,
大兴改革年, 不干更何待。 夕阳无限好, 月到中秋皑, 青年风华茂, 青春放异彩。 岁月莫磋砣, 争当促进派: 老骥莫伏枥, 黄昏何足慨。 继往又开来, 希望国所赖, 有志事竟成,
在[1]中蒋茂森用分划和事件为互不相容事件之和的办法直观地证明了Poincare’公式:P((?)A_i)=sum from i=1 to n(P(A_i))-sum form (l≤i