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知识的形态可分为两类:显性知识与隐性知识。显性知识是可以形成文字进行传播,他人听到、看到这些文字就可以理解、明白的知识,如数学知识。隐性知识是存在于人的头脑之中,用文字必须经过自己的实践才能形成,这类知识在人们的知识构成中所占比例很大。显性知识与隐性知识! The forms of knowledge can be divided into two categories: explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge. Dominant knowledge can be formed to spread the word, others hear, see these words can understand, understand the knowledge, such as mathematical knowledge. Tacit knowledge exists in the human mind, with the text to be formed through their own practice, this kind of knowledge in people's knowledge constitutes a large proportion. Dominant and tacit knowledge!