王进珊(1907~ )先生是中国现代文学史上著名的戏剧家(广西人民出版社1989年版《中国现代文学辞典》),也是贡献卓著的文艺报刊编辑工作者,在他几近30年的编辑工作中,先后主编过十多种文艺报刊,其中以在重庆主编《文艺月刊》、《文艺先锋》半月刊和在上海主编《申报》文艺副刊《春秋》和《文学》周刊影响最巨。由于王进珊所主编的各种文艺报刊,多为当时国民党官方所办或具有官方背景,因而其在编辑领域的有关活动,在大陆报刊史学界长期不为人所知。这里摭拾其编辑文艺报刊的几则佚事,以飨读者,或可补报刊史研究之未及。
Wang Jin Shan (1907 ~) is a famous dramatist in the history of modern Chinese literature (Guangxi People’s Publishing House 1989 edition of “Chinese modern literature dictionary”), is also an outstanding contribution to the literary newspaper editor, editor in his nearly 30 years , Has edited more than 10 kinds of literary and art newspapers and periodicals, of which the most influential is the monthly magazine “Literary Monthly” and “Pioneer of Literature and Art” and the weekly magazine “Spring and Autumn Period” and “Literature” which are the chief editors of Shanghai. Since Wang Jin Shan’s various literary and art newspapers and periodicals were mostly run by officials of the Kuomintang or had an official background at the time, their activities in the field of editing have long been unknown to the newspaper and periodicals in mainland China. Here are some of the editorials of the literary and art journals, in order to readers, or make up for the study of the history of the press.