6月15日,中远集团魏家福总裁应邀出席在南京举行的中国管理研究国际学会(I A C M R)2006年度颁奖晚会,并荣获“杰出管理奖”(Distinguished CEO Award)。这一奖项由中国管理研究国际学会每两年一次向“在中国的管理实践中取得卓越业绩的商业领袖”颁发。魏家福总裁是第一个获得
On June 15, President Wei Jiafu of COSCO Group was invited to attend 2006 IACM Annual Awards Gala held in Nanjing and was awarded the “Distinguished CEO Award”. The award is presented by the International Association for Management Research to the business leaders “who have achieved outstanding performance in China’s management practices” every two years. Wei Jiafu president was the first to obtain