魏晋时代 ,是中国美学史上的一个重要发展阶段 ,而这一阶段中士人美学无疑是其主要的表现形态。由于社会的动荡不安和人们生活的疾苦 ,士人们从庙堂政治的桎梏中解脱出来 ,于自然山水之中感悟宇宙情怀 ,开始了对自我生命的关注和对人生价值的思考。他们在那动荡的时代里凌空高蹈、张扬个性。他们于或超越、超脱 ,或悲痛、悲伤 ,或忧虑、忧愁 ,或歌或哭之中演绎出了该时代中人与文的丰富主题 ,呈现出了无限丰富的理论形态
The Wei and Jin Dynasties, is an important stage of development in the history of Chinese aesthetics, and the aesthetics of scholars in this stage is undoubtedly the main manifestation. Due to social turmoil and the hardship of people’s lives, people are freed from the shackles of the temple politics, sentiment of the universe is felt in the natural landscape, and their concern for self-life and their consideration of the value of life are started. They are high spirits in the turbulent times, publicity personality. They have deduced the rich subject of man and the language in the times beyond or beyond, detached, or grief, sadness, or worry, sadness, or song or cry, showing an infinite variety of theoretical forms