最近发展的可精确模拟时滞化学反应系统的动力学状态的时滞随机模拟算法(delay stochastic simulation algorithm,DSSA)的模拟效率很低。本文提出了一个模拟时滞化学反应系统的加速DK-Leap(Delay K-Leap)算法。DK-Leap算法首先确定满足Leap条件的总反应次数K,然后利用得到τ的概率密度函数随机确定时间区间[t,t+τ)。由于每个反应通道的反应次数由K确定,该算法可得到较好的模拟精度。数值试验表明DK-Leap算法在模拟时滞化学反应系统时能取得很好的性能。
The recently developed delay stochastic simulation algorithm (DSSA), which accurately models the kinetic state of delayed chemical reaction systems, has low simulation efficiency. This paper presents an accelerated DK-Leap (Delay K-Leap) algorithm that simulates a chemical reaction system with time-delay. The DK-Leap algorithm first determines the total number of reactions K that satisfy Leap conditions and then uses the probability density function of τ to determine the time interval [t, t + τ] at random. Since the number of reactions per reaction channel is determined by K, the algorithm can achieve better simulation accuracy. Numerical experiments show that the DK-Leap algorithm can achieve good performance when simulating a chemical reaction system with time-delay.