目的:了解西宁地区女童乳腺发育的年龄及相关影响因素。方法:随机抽取(6~13)岁女童2 000名,按乳腺发育标准进行筛选检查,对乳腺发育者分侧别进行测量直径。结果与结论:6岁时乳腺发育占同龄者的4.5%,8岁发育占同龄人的38.2%,10岁乳腺发育大于58.0%,13岁都已基本发育,平均年龄9.1岁,乳腺发育大小,随着年龄增长呈正相关。近年来,随物质生活水平的提高女童乳腺发育年龄也有所提前,且乳房发育和月经有密切关系。乳腺的发育,除个别是由疾病引起外,大多均是正常发育。
Objective: To understand the age and related factors of breast development in girls in Xining area. Methods: A total of 2 000 girls (6-13 years old) were randomly selected and screened according to the mammary gland development criteria. The diameter of the mammary gland developed by each side was measured. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The incidence of breast development was 4.5% at 6 years, 38.2% at 8 years of age, 58.0% at 10 years of age, and basically developed at 13 years with a mean age of 9.1 years. The breast size, With age is positively correlated. In recent years, with the improvement of material life level, girls’ mammary gland age has also been advanced, and breast development and menstruation are closely related. Breast development, in addition to individual caused by disease, most are normal development.