
来源 :上海免疫学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangzhaolinghappy
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IL-7除刺激B细胞前体细胞成熟外,还可刺激成熟的T细胞增殖,增强T细胞的作用和淋巴因子的反应性;促进CTL、LAK、NK细胞的产生;诱导单核细胞分泌细胞因子IL-L0、IL-1p、IL-6、TNF-a、IFN-7等,且与ConA、PMA、IL-4、IL-12、IL-2等发生协同作用。分泌IL-7的肿瘤细胞致瘤率明显低下,可以作为肿瘤疫苗,同时它在抗肿瘤转移中具有一定的作用。 In addition to stimulating the maturation of B cell precursors, IL-7 can stimulate the proliferation of mature T cells, enhance the function of T cells and the reactivity of lymphokines, promote the production of CTL, LAK and NK cells and induce the secretion of mononuclear cells IL-1, IL-6, TNF-a, IFN-7 and other factors, and with SyA, PMA, IL-4, IL-12, IL-2 and other synergistic effect. Tumor cells secreting IL-7 have significantly lower tumorigenicity and can be used as tumor vaccines, meanwhile, they play a role in antitumor metastasis.