Effects of Tectonic Force on Hydrostatic Pressure in Crust

来源 :Journal of China University of Geosciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wumingxiaoziwoaini
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The research into the hydrostatic pressure in the crust has been previously conducted from the viewpoint that the hydrostatic pressure is equal to the gravity, based on the fact that the hydrostatic pressure is derived mainly from the gravity of its overlying rocks. In this paper, the stress state of any point in the crust is suggested to have been caused by both the gravity and the tectonic force. The author proposes that the hydrostatic pressure is a combination or superposition of two isotropic stresses in the tectonic force and gravity stress fields. The results obtained with a finite element simulation indicate that the additional hydrostatic pressure borne by rocks decreases gradually from the compression zone ( p s c), the shear zone ( p s sh ) to the tensile zone ( p s t), and that the difference in the additional tectonic hydrostatic pressure between these deformed zones tends to increase, following the increase in the absolute value and/or the difference in external forces between different directions. This paper presents the foundation for the research into the tectonic physicochemistry. The research into the hydrostatic pressure in the crust has been previously conducted from the viewpoint that the hydrostatic pressure is equal to the gravity, based on the fact that the hydrostatic pressure is derived mainly from the gravity of its overlying rocks. In this paper, the stress state of any point in the crust is suggested to have been caused by both the gravity and the tectonic force. The authorifer that the hydrostatic pressure is a combination or superposition of two isotropic to stress the tectonic force and gravity stress fields. obtained with a finite element simulation indicate that the additional hydrostatic pressure borne by rocks with gradually from the compression zone (psc), the shear zone (ps sh) to the tensile zone (pst), and that the difference in the additional tectonic hydrostatic pressure from these deformed zones tends to increase, following the increase in the absolute value and / or the difference in external forces between different directions. This paper presents the foundation for the research into the tectonic physicochemistry.
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