《墨荷》 为了拍《墨荷》,我带着事先设计好的背景画“荷叶”去拍摄地点,散射光更适合拍摄这种高调照 片。首先拍摄绘制的背景,以点测光方式,按照所画的荷叶中间色调的测光数据进行第一次曝光;再把镜头对准荷花主体并放在取景器中适当的位置进行一虚一实两次曝光。测光时,花虚以F2.8大光圈为好,并减半档的曝光量,花实以F8以上的小光圈为好,并根据所拍花朵的颜色适当增减曝光量。曝光数据在拍摄前就要以点测光测出,并做好记录,以免在一虚一实的两次曝光中镜头不能移动的情况下难以精确测光。
In order to make “Mojo”, I took the pre-designed background painting “lotus leaf” to the shooting location, and the scattered light is more suitable for shooting such high-profile photos. First shooting the background drawn to the spot metering method, according to the lotus leaf in the middle of the metering metering data for the first exposure; then the lens at the lotus body and placed in the viewfinder in an appropriate position for an imaginary Real double exposure. Photometry, flowers to the F2.8 large aperture as well, and half the exposure reduction, the actual F8 above the small aperture as well, and according to the color of the flowers taken appropriate exposure increase or decrease. Exposure data before shooting to be measured with spot metering, and make a record, so as to avoid the double exposure in an imaginable case can not move the lens can not accurately metering.