阳原县小石庄村农民褚佑,种植西瓜大胆实践,改进栽培技术。将传统的爬地压蔓改为绑蔓上架提高栽培密度;露地栽培改为地膜覆盖栽培促进早熟早上市;一年一茬改为一年两茬增加产量。1984年,他种植地膜覆盖小架栽培西瓜1.7亩,仅头茬瓜产量就达到每亩13,000斤,亩收入超过一千元。他的具体做法是: 一、选用良种,培育壮苗头茬瓜选用早熟品种“早花”。采用塑料薄膜小拱棚育苗。播种前将种子放入30℃温水中浸泡0.5—1小时,搓洗掉种子上面粘液,捞出种子装入布袋,置于25—30℃温炕上催芽(专家
Xiao Yu Zhuang village farmer Chu You, planting watermelon bold practice, improve cultivation techniques. The traditional creeping vine to the vine tied to raise the planting density; open field cultivation to mulching cultivation to promote early morning market; a year to two crops a year to increase production. In 1984, he planted 1.7 m mu of watermelon covered with small mulch and covered only 13,000 jin per mu for the first crop, yielding more than 1,000 yuan per mu. His specific approach is: First, the selection of elite, nurturing strong seed head melon selection of early varieties of “early flowering.” Slim plastic film shed nursery. Seeds before sowing 30 ℃ warm water soak 0.5-1 hours, scrub the seeds above the mucus, remove the seeds into the bag, placed 25-30 ℃ warm kang germination (experts