今年4月.联合国有关专家到湖南省考察光彩事业项目,作为随行记者.我就中国光彩事业的情况及他们对湖南的印象.采访了联合国经济发展事务部赖尚龙先生。 一面反映中国社会 成长道路的镜子 记者:您对中国光彩事业的情况及意义有何感受和评价? 赖尚龙:作为国际组织的官员
This year in April. Relevant experts from the United Nations went to visit the glorious cause project in Hunan Province as an accompanying journalist. My comment on China’s glorious cause and their impression of Hunan. Interviewed Mr. Lai Shanglong, UN Economic Development Department. A Mirror Reflects the Path of Social Growth in China Reporter: How do you feel and evaluate the situation and significance of China’s glorious cause? Lai Shanglong: as an official of an international organization