在中学阶段 ,学生由于受物理和数学知识的局限 ,受解题能力的制约 ,面对情景较复杂的物理问题时 ,常因思维受阻而陷入困境。这时应引导学生改变思维策略 ,抓住问题的特征 ,灵活应用所学的知识和方法 ,尝试进行情景转换 ,从而使问题简单化、生动化。在此通过例题介绍几种情景转
In the middle school stage, students are constrained by the ability to solve problems due to limitations in physics and mathematics, and faced with more complicated physical issues, they often get into trouble because of blocked thinking. At this time, students should be guided to change their thinking strategies, seize the characteristics of the problem, and flexibly apply the knowledge and methods they have learned, and try to change the situation so that the problem is simple and vivid. In this example, introduce several scenarios