人事制度改革作为医学院校改革的重要组成部分,对于重构适应现代大学组织的新型教师群体具有重要意义。医学院校人事制度改革面向全体教师,而制定改革方案是新老体制融合的重要一步。本研究从某大学医学人文学院老体制教师视角,基于访谈法搜集数据,了解老体制教师对改革的认识、态度和需求,为人事制度改革方案的制订提供依据。调查结果表明,大部分教师赞同改革,提出学科定位、评审规则、学科建设、新老体制融合政策引导、老体制积极性保护等方面的需求。因此,管理者应当从完善制度设计、明确学科定位、加强团队建设、学科差异化调整、引导新老接轨、尊重历史贡献等方面,制订合理的人事制度改革方案,跟进相应的配套措施,确保改革取得实效。“,”The reformation of human resourcis system of medical college covers all faculty, and the reformation formulated by the college is an important step aiming for the integration of the old and new systems. This research collected data from the perspective of faculty in current system through interviews to find their understanding, attitude, and needs and thus to provide a basis for the formulation of college reform programs. Results showed that the majority of faculty agreed with the reform, and put forward the needs of discipline orientation, evaluation rules, discipline construction, policy guidance of the integration of the new and old systems, enthusiasm of the old system. It suggests formulating a reasonable reform plan from the aspects of improving the system design, clarifying the discipline positioning, strengthening team building, disciplinary adjustments, merging new and old system, and respecting historical contributions.