按路面化冰的电功率要求,将一定长度的、表面涂有环氧树脂的连续碳纤维编织在玄武岩土工格栅上,形成具有电热功能的碳纤维格栅。将其埋入距离路表面5cm的混凝土路面中,并在碳纤维格栅下埋置玻璃纤维布作为隔热层,形成的功能路面能实现化冰的功能。结果表明,在下雪前路面预热时,电功率需在400 W/m2以上(环境温度在-16℃左右时)能满足升温和节约电能的要求。在静态化冰时,环境温度在-11~-15℃时,在500 W/m2电功率下,通电480 min左右后,3 mm厚的冰层基本化完。当环境温度降低时,通电时间将增加。在电加热过程中,碳纤维格栅电阻和电功率稳定。这种复合结构构造简单,容易施工,安全可靠,制造成本较低。
According to the electric power requirement of pavement ice, a certain length of continuous carbon fiber coated with epoxy resin is woven on a basalt geogrid to form a carbon fiber grille with electric heating function. Buried in a concrete pavement 5 cm away from the road surface, and embedding a glass fiber cloth under the carbon fiber grid as a heat insulation layer to form the functional pavement to realize the function of ice melting. The results show that when the road surface is preheated before snowfall, the electric power needs to be above 400 W / m2 (the ambient temperature is about -16 ℃) to meet the requirements of heating and energy saving. In the static ice, when the ambient temperature is -11 ~ -15 ℃ and the power is 500 W / m2 for 480 min, the 3 mm thick ice layer is finished. When the ambient temperature decreases, energization time will increase. In the electric heating process, the carbon fiber grid resistance and electric power are stable. The composite structure is simple in structure, easy to construct, safe and reliable, and low in manufacturing cost.