淮阴专区几年来,大力扩种绿肥,对提高地力,培肥土壤,收益很大。玉米地套种夏绿肥,能充分利用作物行间隙地、不与粮棉争田等优点,深受群众欢迎。灌云县云台公社杨场一队,1959年开始在玉米地套种绿肥(绿豆),掩青做小麦基肥,四年来,产量增加一倍,小麦单产1960年为140斤,1964年则提高到300斤。全区1964年套种夏绿肥10万亩左右,1965年增到100万亩以上。 一 玉米地套种夏绿肥在轮作中的地位及其特点 本区旱谷作物中以小麦面积最大,常占耕地总面积的50%左右,其产量高低对全年生产有决定意义。而以玉米为前茬的,一般又占小麦面积65—70%。以往习惯在玉米起茬后进行耕翻休闲,以风
Huaiyin area over the past few years, vigorously expand green manure, to improve soil fertility and soil, great benefits. Maize intercropping summer green manure, crop lines can make full use of space, not competing with grain and cotton fields, welcomed by the masses. A team from Yangchang of Guanyun Commune in Guanyun County started to plant green manure (mung bean) on maize fields in 1959 and doubled the yield of wheat base wheat over the past four years. The yield of wheat in 1960 was 140 jin and in 1964 it increased to 300 pounds. In 1964 the whole area summer intercropping about 100000 acres of summer green fertilizer, 1965 increased to 1000000 mus of above. A maize interplanting summer green manure in rotation in the status and characteristics of Wadi crops in the region to the largest wheat area, often accounting for about 50% of the total area of cultivated land, the level of its production is decisive for the annual production. The corn stubble, generally account for 65-70% of the area of wheat. In the past, it was accustomed to cultivate leisure and wind in the corn after stubble